Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Second Day

Today went almost exactly the same as the first. I worked with Linda first who schedules the referrals from other areas of medicine into general surgery. She taught me about her job and how she does it. There are two computer systems that all of the hospital and patient information is in and when the hospital gets a new patient, the new patient has to be put into one system and then again into the other system. This is tedious because the "putting in" of the patient is their basic information such as address and name and also their insurance and why they are coming to the general surgery and what they are in the hospital for or coming into the hospital for. This gets very confusing as she showed me. I also sat around with Peggy again and saw more of what she does. Dr. Bears had surgery most of the time I was there then near the end he came in and we got to talk. He asked me if I was really interested in medicine and I replied that I was and he answered, "Well after two weeks here, you won't be." He was very funny and is so busy that I barely get to see him because I can't follow him into patient rooms or surgeries (unfortunately). Peggy said I might get to go around with Dyna, a nurse, tomorrow to help prepare the patient's rooms. I am excited!

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