Friday, May 14, 2010

Fourth Day

Today, I worked with Annette. She also handles referrals and enters people into the computer system. She has to call all of the insurance companies for every patient general surgery has and make sure there are charts for all of them. Today, I entered patients into the system and made charts for patients. While Annette called insurance companies for patients I took a huge stack of patients that were going to need recalls and entered them into a spread sheet. I also learned more about colonoscopies and endocscopies. I learned about the polyps in the colons and that if they are ademona (I think) then they could turn malignant so the patient needs a recall in five years. However, if they are the other polyps then they are fine and the colo is normal and the patient would just be recalled in ten years. There is so much behind the scene stuff that goes into surgeries and patient care that these administrative employees have to do. It is crazy!

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